Mbappe’s move to Real Madrid heats up: The mystery of the new salary agreement

According to Foot Mercato, Kylian Mbappe has reached a personal agreement with Real Madrid and will move to Spain to play from the next season.

Mbappe recently delivered an outstanding performance, scoring a hat-trick in PSG’s 9-0 victory in the French national cup. However, the joy of Paris Saint-Germain fans was not complete due to rumors about the French forward’s future.

According to Foot Mercato, Mbappe agreed to join Real Madrid.

Foot Mercato reports that Real Madrid reached a personal agreement with Kylian Mbappe a few days ago. The 1998-born forward will join Bernabeu in the summer of 2024 on a free transfer after rejecting a contract extension with PSG. This news is quite surprising as just four days ago, Mbappe stated that he hadn’t decided on his future after the match against Toulouse.

Sources suggest that the terms offered by Real Madrid this time are significantly lower than in 2022. Nevertheless, Mbappe will still become the highest-paid player at Real Madrid. Currently, it is unclear how much the French forward will earn at Bernabeu. At the moment, Mbappe is receiving a salary of 72 million euros per year at PSG.

It is known that the driving force behind this deal is Real Madrid President Florentino Perez. The “White King” has been in direct contact with Mbappe to persuade the French player.

Earlier, Real Madrid tried twice to sign Mbappe, but both attempts were unsuccessful. In 2022, the French forward even rejected joining the “White Herons” to stay at PSG and enjoy a staggering salary. That contract had a duration of 2 years with an option for an additional year.

Mbappe đồng ý gia nhập Real Madrid, tiền lót tay kỷ lục

However, the activation right of the aforementioned option lies in Mbappe’s hands, and he did not exercise this option. Therefore, the 25-year-old forward can freely negotiate with other clubs in January under the Bosman rule.

A few days ago, The Times of England revealed that Mbappe is considering a move to play in the Premier League. Liverpool is said to be a team highly interested in signing the French forward. However, Anfield has not made any offers as they await to see whether Salah will leave the team or not.

Another notable piece of information is that Mbappe’s mother, Fayza Lamari, has returned to represent her son. Previously, Lamari was no longer allowed to be Mbappe’s representative due to FIFA’s new regulations. However, the world football association has made some adjustments recently.

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